
Cookie Notice

Our site, like most others, uses cookies and other similar technologies (pixel tags, etc.) to provide services that best suit your interests and needs, as well as collect statistical and marketing information to analyse and improve our services and sites.
By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies and other similar technologies in accordance with this Notice.

If you do not agree to our use of this type of file, you must set your browser settings accordingly or not use our site.
Please note that by blocking or deleting cookies, we cannot guarantee the correct operation of our website in your browser.
Cookies that are stored through the website do not contain information that can identify you.

For more general information on cookies good starting point may be the Wikipedia article on HTTP Cookies.
Alternatively, you may wish to visit, which contains comprehensive information on how to do this on a wide variety of desktop browsers.

What is a cookie and other similar technologies

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, smartphone or other device that you use to visit websites.
Some of the pages you visit may also collect information using pixel tags and web beacons, which are electronic images called single-pixel (1x1) or clear GIFs.
Cookies may be placed on your device by us ("own" cookies) or by other operators ("third party" cookies).

We use two types of cookies on the site:
"session cookies" and "persistent cookies". Session cookies are temporary files that remain on your device until you leave the site. Persistent cookies remain on your device for a long time or until you manually delete them (how long a cookie remains on your device will depend on the duration or "lifetime" of the particular file and your browser settings).

Cookies are of various types:

Required. These files are needed to ensure the proper operation of the site, the use of its functions. Disabling the use of such files will lead to a drop in site performance, the inability to use its components and services.
Cookies related to performance, efficiency and analytics. These files allow you to analyze the interaction of visitors with the site, optimize the content of the site, measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, providing information about the number of site visitors, the time of its use, errors that occur.
Functional cookies remember users who have already visited our site, their individual settings (such as language and region, for example) and preferences, and help to personalize the content of the site.
Advertising cookies determine which sites you have visited and how often, which links you have clicked on, which allows us to show you advertisements that are of interest to you.
Email. We may also use technologies to track whether you have opened, read or forwarded certain messages sent by us to your email. This is necessary to make our communication tools more useful to the user. If you do not want us to receive information about this, you need to unsubscribe using the "Unsubscribe" link located at the bottom of the relevant e-mail.
Buttons for accessing social networks. They are used so that users can share a link to a page on social networks or make an electronic bookmark. These buttons are links to social networking websites owned by third parties, which, in turn, may record information about your activity on the Internet, including on our site. Please read the respective terms of use and privacy policies of such sites to understand how they use your data and how you can opt out or delete your data.
Third Party Web Services. We sometimes use third party web services on this website. For example, to display certain elements (images, videos, presentations, etc.), organize surveys, etc. As with social media buttons, we cannot prevent the collection of information by these sites or external domains about how you use the content of the site.

How to manage cookies?

Most internet browsers are initially set to automatically accept cookies.
You can change your browser settings at any time to block cookies or alert you when they are being sent to your device (refer to your browser's user manual). Disabling cookies may affect your browsing experience.
If you use multiple devices and/or browsers to access the Internet, the appropriate settings must be changed on each of them.

Final provisions

At our sole discretion, we may change this Notice from time to time.
If you have any questions, you can contact us using the contacts posted on our website.
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